Come join us for the Rock Creek and Boundary "Country Love A Fair" Celebration!!
See what Boundary Country has to showcase.
Experience a true rural, agricultural Fair that is packed full of 4-H classes, horse events, free live entertainment,
lawn mower races, exhibit classes including agriculture, horticulture, livestock, arts, crafts, baking and preserves
and a great selection of food and commercial vendors.
Two days of fun and excitement for all ages.
We hope to see you this September at the Rock Creek Fall Fair!
We understand you would like to bring your pets to the fair, but the safety of the livestock, and other guests we do not allow pets on-site or in the Blaine or Wilderness Campgrounds. ONLY animals that are part of the 4-H Dog Show and service animals (certification documents required) are permitted. We thank you for your understanding.
NO SMOKING, of any sort, including electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, vape pens etc. on the Fair Grounds EXCEPT in the posted, designated area which is in the dugouts behind the baseball diamond/infield .
Fair Date:
Saturday & Sunday, September 14th & 15th, 2024
Fair Hours:
Saturday, Sept. 14th: Gates Open at 7:00 am and Gates Close at 9:00 pm
Sunday, Sept. 15th: Gates Open at 7:00 am and Gates Close a 5:00 pm
For Livestock Exhibitors needing to attend to their animals, the Livestock Gate will be open at 6:30 am. You will require an entry wristband, day pass otherwise you can purchase a ticket at the Livestock Gate.
Fair Admission Tickets:
Your admission ticket includes all the entertainment, shows & events.
(Amusement rides/Food Trucks/Vendors are not included in admission price)
Advance Purchase Fair Admission Tickets:
Advance Purchase Fair Tickets go on sale ONLINE on August 1, 2024.
Deadline for advance purchase tickets is Wednesday, September 11th, 2024. ​​
**Online Advance Fair Admission Ticket purchases are non-refundable, non-transferrable and non-exchangeable between the Saturday and Sunday. If you purchase a ticket for Sunday and come Saturday your ticket will not be valid and you will be required to purchase a ticket for entry that day.
On Site Gate Admission Prices:
Saturday Sunday
Sept. 14th Sept. 15th
Adults: 19 to 64 years $20.00 $18.00
Youth: 13 to 18 years $15.00 $13.00
Seniors: 65+ $15.00 $13.00
Children: 6 - 12 years $ 5.00 $ 5.00
Children: 5 & under FREE FREE
No refunds or exchanges on tickets purchased at the gate.
Amusement Rides & Midway:
Shooting Star Amusements
Hours of Operation:
Saturday, Sept. 14th - 10:00 am to 9:00 pm
Sunday, Sept. 15th - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
All Day Ride Wristbands: Advance Purchase - $35.00
Onsite Purchase - $45.00
For more information please visit https://shootingstar.ca
Exhibit Buildings
(Pavilion & Agriculture Building)
Saturday, Sept. 16th: OPEN - 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday, Sept. 17th: OPEN- 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Livestock Buildings
(Beef, Sheep & Poultry Barns)
Saturday, Sept. 16th: OPEN - 7:30 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday, Sept. 17th : OPEN - 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
General Rules:​
Absolutely NO DOGS allowed on grounds or in Blaine Memorial Campground or Wilderness Campground.
Camping is first come, first serve. For camping information and rules & regulations go to www.rockcreekfallfair.ca/faircamping
Family camping ONLY.
NO unsupervised camping for ages 19 & under.
NO open alcohol permitted on Fair Grounds.
NO illegal substances permitted on Fair Grounds.
NO weapons of any sort permitted on Fair Grounds
Smoking is permitted in designated area ONLY
ATM machine will be on the grounds.
Our Fair features events such as:​
Saturday night Motor Madness Lawnmower Races
West Coast Lumberjack Show
Aerial Artists
Horse Events & Demonstrations
Open & 4-H Livestock Competitions
Free Live Entertainment on stage
Kid Zone with Uncle Chris the Clown & Chick Holding Station
And lots more!
For 2025 our Fall Fair is being held September 13th and 14th.
Mark it on your calendar!
Interested in entering Exhibits at the Fair?
Interested in Sponsorship Opportunities?
Interested in participating in Lawnmower Races & Horse Events?