Our History ... where it all began​
Welcome to the Rock Creek Fall Fair history page. Over time we will continue to develope this page with stories,
info and photos of our years gone by. Please stay tuned.​

1946 ... The Beginning
The Rock Creek and Boundary Fair first opened in 1946 and has been an annual event since then. The fair began as a one day event to showcase agricultural products and to bring the community together for a day of fun. Although the fair has expanded to two days and now includes other attractions, the country fair atmosphere remains. The fair is still a community event and is organized and presented almost entirely by volunteers. There is a core group of volunteers that are involved in planning on a year round basis. In the weeks that lead up to fair days, most of the community becomes involved in some way. Some are involved in the cleanup and preparation of the buildings. Many others are busy getting their entries ready for judging and display.
The emphasis of the Rock Creek and Boundary Fair remains on agriculture and home crafts. Animal shows and judging are a central part of the program. Displays of fruits and vegetables, cooking and canning, baking and needlework are varied and interesting with everyone from kids to seniors vying for a blue ribbon.
The fair venue has changed from the first fair, which was held at the community hall on the highway, to the sixty acres that it now occupies. There is a pavilion building to house the displays as well as barns and an arena for animal housing and show. Throughout the years, the Fair has seen many improvements to the grounds, which are ongoing. Lights have been added to the arena so that shows can go on after dark. The Pavilion building has been decorated with murals designed and painted by local artists. These murals depict the landscape and history of the local area.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​